Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Abortion Debate

Last week the Supreme Court issued its decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case ruling 6-3 that "the Constitution of the United States does not confer any right to abortion, and overruled both Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). (Wikipedia) The result is seen as a victory for those who identify with the "Pro-life Movement" and a defeat for those affirming "Pro-choice."

I have been dishearted over the last few days at the level of angst displayed against the court's decision and in favor of having the freedom to take the innocent lives of the unborn. There have been multiple "Pro-choice" protests around the nation, where protesters have stopped traffic, surrounded the homes of justices, resisted arrest, engaged in disorderly conduct, and interfered with the police. To be fair, "Pro-life" counter-protesters were involved in some of these events and may be guilty of similar behavior. This is disheartening to me as well.

The division that exists in the world between the two sides will not be solved through violence or even "peaceful civil disobedience." The only way to heal the divide, and even this is unlikely to have a significant effect, is to engage in civilized discourse about the matter. It is the heart that needs to change among those on both sides. This takes persuasion exercised in kindness.

I have considered myself "Pro-life" or anti-abortion since Roe was decided in 1973 when I was only 21. After nearly 50 years, my views on the matter have been consistent. I believe a human is conceived in the womb when a human sperm fuses with a human egg and that human beings have "a right to life" unless it is forfeited by significant malfeasance.

But I know this view is not shared by all. I should not expect everyone to agree with my "Pro-life" views until they have been convinced that the unborn child is a human being that possesses the right to life. Getting to that point needs persuasion.

I have decided to write a series of articles for this blog about the abortion debate. I'll examine the science and the Bible to make my points. I'll answer questions raised by those on the other side. I hope these articles may contribute to a better understanding of the issue and convince some of the value of the life of the little ones still in their mothers' wombs.

1 comment:

  1. Shut the fuck up you feeble impotent decrepit old fart. No wonder you will die alone.


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