Monday, July 11, 2016

Petition to Identify the NRA as a Terrorist Organization

The current unrest in the US resulting from protests encouraged by the "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) movement is getting a lot of attention in the Twitter universe.This morning I saw the following tweet and followed the link contained within it.

The link took me to a White House petition titled "To add the National Rifle Association to the list of terror-sponsoring organizations." Knowing that the best ridicule is often is to expose a man's words, I retweeted the previous tweet.
The author of the original tweet noticed and replied with this.
I saw the BLM petition on the site, but I ignored it, so when the writer accused me of signing it, I replied with a simple, "No." While I disagree with the BLM agenda, I have never seen any reason to consider the group a terrorist organization.

Not satisfied the writer next tweeted this.
I'm not quite sure what the writer means here, but he apparently sees this as a binary option. One either supports the NRA and condemns the BLM, or he supports the BLM and condemns the NRA. Yesterday I criticized a conservative for casting the BLM movement as a terrorist group, so I don't appreciate anyone painting me with that brush.

I replied that while some within the BLM chant that they want dead cops, that chant by itself doesn't make the group a terrorist organization. Also that the NRA does not want anyone to die. Thus there is more reason to classify BLM as a terrorist group than the NRA.

The writer denied that BLM chanted that they wanted dead cops, and said I couldn't prove it, so I replied with the following video."

The writer accused me of saying that all BLM chanted this when I had done no such thing. He then claimed that he was careful not to cast aspersions on a whole group based on the bad behavior of a few. If that is true, then what is the reasonable argument that concludes that the whole of the NRA should be categorized as a terrorist organization.

Clearly, the legs of the lame are not equal.


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