Monday, July 11, 2016

It's Time for Delegates to Dump Trump for a Better Candidate

Donald Trump's claim that he has won the Republican nomination is a bit premature.

Everyone knows that it takes 1237 votes at the convention for a candidate to win the nomination. Trump won over 1237 delegates during the primary, but because delegates are not necessarily required to vote for the candidate preferred by those who voted for them, Trump also needs to make sure that the delegates he won will be loyal to him. That's his job as a candidate, but it is a job he has failed. As noted above, at this point he has only about 900 pledged delegates.
As Kristol notes state laws binding delegates to vote for their voters' preference are unconstitutional.

In the weeks that have passed since the end of the GOP primaries, it has become increasingly obvious that Donald Trump does not have the experience or the know-how to win the general election. Hillary Clinton is leading Trump in nearly every poll, although she is an incredibly weak candidate.
It would be foolish for Republican delegates not to consider an alternative candidate who could easily beat the Democrat nominee.

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